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The Doctor (
The Doctor (
Does anyone know of a good tutorial for scripting with the ash shell (which is also part of Busybox)? I'm working on re-implementing the autonomous bits of my System Bot as a shell script becuase most OpenWRT devices don't have enough space for a full Python 3 install. What I'm having trouble with is using a list (a string with a known delimeter (CSV, here)) to store the last couple of numerical metrics gathered. That was relatively easy. What hasn't been is that I need those lists to persist outside of the function that measures the system load. No matter what nothing gets added to the string/list, and the calculated length of the list never changes. Should I bite the bullet and assume that bash is present? Or am I missing something?
The Doctor (
David Blue ※ (
David Blue ※ (
social services are always idyllic in the beginning because the prime majority of original users are genuinely motivated & rewarded enough by socializing to circumvent obscurity and cumbrous experiences. (so far, Mastodon seems remarkably exempt from the latter.)
David Blue ※ (
pixelfed (
pixelfed (
Attached: 1 image Pixelfed for Android and iOS is in active development. We'll be looking for beta testers next month! #pixelfed #ios #android
pixelfed (
Ru (
Ru (
May be very ambitious, but I want to run a small, personal #Mastodon instance and have 5 real-life friends migrate to it. I want to see people being #open again like they were on #Facebook when it was new to them.
Ru (
Nate Cull (
Nate Cull (
The guiding myth of capitalism, and thus of the Internet architecture built by venture capitalists, is that capital naturally flows to the competent, automatically creating a distributed, efficient, meritocracy. But it doesn't. Capital flows only and specifically to glib pitch artists who can quickly convince others with more capital that they are competent at the very narrow task of consolidating even more capital. Beyond that, it simply doesn't care whether the human species even survives.
Nate Cull (
ejg (
ejg (
Anyone have experience with, or would otherwise recommend, hosting media files on for embedding in a static site? For some context. A friend of mine passed away this past year. He was an avid caver, camper, traveler, and photographer. The media hosted would be a large collection of his photographs, slideshows (with copyrighted music) from his wake, and a book of stories about him. His family is wanting to get these online to share with others. #AskFedi #InternetArchive
ejg (
Liaizon Wakest (old account) (
Liaizon Wakest (old account) (
GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program and GNU stands for GNU’s Not UNIX and UNIX stands for Uniplexed Information and Computing Service so the full proper name for GIMP is actually: GNU’s Not Uniplexed Information and Computing Service Image Manipulation Program
Liaizon Wakest (old account) (
David Blue ※ (
David Blue ※ (
i suppose this is really condescending but… it’s pitiful to me that all folks can think of to do with something like public discord stages is discuss shit like “does god exist” or “is abortion wrong,” host karaoke rooms in the middle of a weekday afternoon, and…?
David Blue ※ (
Patrick Perini (
Patrick Perini (
Hey all! I really haven’t had time to upkeep Tusk since starting my new job. So I’ve re-upped the TestFlight build and open-sourced the code: If any of you want to be deputized to review PRs, let me know!
Patrick Perini (
CutThroat Neko (
CutThroat Neko ( A long time ago, I was testflighting this one too, but sadly it seems the development stopped and the app is not available anymore. It used an UI close to Tweetbot and was really promising. May be you should try to contact the developer too ?
CutThroat Neko (