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Obsidian: Note Content Insertion
Obsidian: Note Content Insertion
As you may be aware, I’m a daily user of the note taking and management application, Obsidian. It is an incredibly useful tool that lets me build my own vaults of information that I can then easily cross reference and search. It has become my personal wiki tool of choice. My use of Obsidian runs a wide gamut across personal and professional aspects of my life, and I can often be found in deep focus working on any number of notes. But times are that sometimes I want to quickly add something to another note. Typically this might be to add an activity log entry to a daily note, but it could also be to add an idea to a running note, or the name of a TV show to watch. I have found myself skipping in and out of notes and disrupting my flow of work. I decided that I should come up with a solution that allowed me to add entries to other notes from any note, and that is what I’m going to cover in this post.
Obsidian: Note Content Insertion
Obsidian: Templater Converters
Obsidian: Templater Converters
This post is, in a sense, a natural follow up to my Path-based Commands in Obsidian post from around this time last year. In that post I demonstrated how you could trigger command line tools from within Obsidian using the Templater plugin. In this post I’m flipping that around, and rather than going external, I am focusing on the internal. The text within an Obsidian note. However, rather than adding new content, I am going to tell you a little about how I am also using Templater to convert existing content, transforming it in a variety of ways to effectively build my own text processing functionality within Obsidian.
Obsidian: Templater Converters