Found 1116 bookmarks
GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon-calendar-plugin: Obsidian plugin that uses to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note.
GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon-calendar-plugin: Obsidian plugin that uses to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note.
Obsidian plugin that uses to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note. - GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon...
GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon-calendar-plugin: Obsidian plugin that uses to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note.
trenta3 - Overview
trenta3 - Overview
Currently enrolled in a PhD in Data Science, I'm an enthusiast of machine learning, statically typed functional languages and cybersecurity. - trenta3
trenta3 - Overview