weichenw/obsidian-hypothesis-plugin: An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Hypothesis.
An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Hypothesis. - weichenw/obsidian-hypothesis-plugin: An Obsidian.md plugin that syncs highlights from Hypothesis.
GitHub - tim-hub/obsidian-bible-reference: Generating World English Bible reference in Obsidian notes
Generating World English Bible reference in Obsidian notes - GitHub - tim-hub/obsidian-bible-reference: Generating World English Bible reference in Obsidian notes
GitHub - kbravh/obsidian-tweet-to-markdown: An Obsidian.md plugin to save tweets as Markdown files.
An Obsidian.md plugin to save tweets as Markdown files. - GitHub - kbravh/obsidian-tweet-to-markdown: An Obsidian.md plugin to save tweets as Markdown files.
mirnovov/obsidian-homepage: Opens a specified note upon launching Obsidian, instead of the most recent one.
Opens a specified note upon launching Obsidian, instead of the most recent one. - mirnovov/obsidian-homepage: Opens a specified note upon launching Obsidian, instead of the most recent one.
CyberDynalist is meant to be used listening to nightride.fm. Download Link on Discord It derives inspiration from: Dynalist Cyberpunk 2077 Synthwave Keanu Reeves The Terminator Enjoy! PS: Thanks for @death.au for the all css code snippets!
obsidian-style-settings/obsidian-default-theme.css at main · mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings
Dynamically creates a user interface for adjusting theme, plugin, and snippet CSS variables - obsidian-style-settings/obsidian-default-theme.css at main · mgmeyers/obsidian-style-settings
Meta Post - Common CSS Hacks - Share & showcase - Obsidian Forum
I can’t find obsidian css too. But I try to use community theme css, then delete it all the code. And I get original theme of obsidian. so to edit (it start with blank css), I just add (copy and paste) some codes I find useful in here If I want to change specific component, I use developer tools here’s the result : Hope this’s helpful 🙏
obsidian-css-snippets/Snippets at develop · Dmitriy-Shulha/obsidian-css-snippets
Most common appearance solutions for Obsidian now in a single place. Initially collected by Klaas: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/how-to-achieve-css-code-snippets/8474 - obsidian-css-snippets/Snippets...
hungsu/typomagical-obsidian: An Obsidian theme for typographic appreciators, with support for Style Settings by mgmeyers
An Obsidian theme for typographic appreciators, with support for Style Settings by mgmeyers - hungsu/typomagical-obsidian: An Obsidian theme for typographic appreciators, with support for Style Set...