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Using Obsidian with Drafts - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Using Obsidian with Drafts - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
Obsidian Website URL Scheme: obsidian:// URL Scheme Documentation Disclaimer: We are not Obsidian experts! This guide is meant to get people started with the basics of using Drafts with Obsidian. Feel free to expand on these ideas, or let us know if we’ve missed something important. Obsidian is a popular personal knowledge management application that focuses on organizing and cross-linking Markdown files. Drafts works nicely as a capture front-end for Obsidian. This article covers met...
Using Obsidian with Drafts - Integration Guides - Drafts Community
High Efficiency Image File Format | Wikiwand
High Efficiency Image File Format | Wikiwand
High Efficiency Image File Format is a container format for storing individual images and image sequences. The standard covers multimedia files that can also include other media streams, such as timed text, audio and video.[citation needed]
High Efficiency Image File Format | Wikiwand
Auto-generated file "table of contents"
Auto-generated file "table of contents"
I think this plugin I created solves this in a little bit better of a way. Just search “Table of contents” in the community plugins
Auto-generated file "table of contents"
Darakah/obsidian-comments-plugin: Simple plugin to add inline comment tooltips as well as a side panel which lists the comments on the current active leaf.
Darakah/obsidian-comments-plugin: Simple plugin to add inline comment tooltips as well as a side panel which lists the comments on the current active leaf.
Simple plugin to add inline comment tooltips as well as a side panel which lists the comments on the current active leaf. - Darakah/obsidian-comments-plugin: Simple plugin to add inline comment too...
Darakah/obsidian-comments-plugin: Simple plugin to add inline comment tooltips as well as a side panel which lists the comments on the current active leaf.
Folder as markdown note - Plugins ideas - Obsidian Forum
Folder as markdown note - Plugins ideas - Obsidian Forum
I’m not sure if this would be better as a Feature Request or as a Plugin based on the architecture, but it seems like something that would have to be integrated into the editor, so I’m starting here. I’d like to be able to have a note for each folder. I think this feature would go a long way to making Obsidian more outliner-like, at least for my purposes. Here’s a couple of possible directory structures. Root Folder A Folder - Option 1 - Option 2 Note note Fold...
Folder as markdown note - Plugins ideas - Obsidian Forum
Sync Settings & Hotkeys Between Multiple Computers - Help - Obsidian Forum
Sync Settings & Hotkeys Between Multiple Computers - Help - Obsidian Forum
I’m able to sync my vault files between two computers using my institution’s synced folder. However, I don’t understand how to get settings to sync. I read some other topics that pointed me to the \Appdata\Roaming\obsidian\ObsidianCache\ folder. I copied the .json files from this folder on my main computer to the same folder on my secondary computer, but opening the vault in Obsidian on a secondary computer just generates a new .json file. I don’t want to have manually to go through all of my ho...
Sync Settings & Hotkeys Between Multiple Computers - Help - Obsidian Forum
Ultimate Guide to Using Dropbox for Obsidian Notes - The Productive Engineer
Ultimate Guide to Using Dropbox for Obsidian Notes - The Productive Engineer
Want to use Dropbox to store your Obsidian Notes so you can access them on all your devices? This guide with video and images of each step will teach you how to use Dropbox to be able to access your notes anywhere on any device you have Dropbox on.
Ultimate Guide to Using Dropbox for Obsidian Notes - The Productive Engineer