

Custom sorting
GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon-calendar-plugin: Obsidian plugin that uses https://github.com/unboundhuman/galactic-calendar to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note.
GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon-calendar-plugin: Obsidian plugin that uses https://github.com/unboundhuman/galactic-calendar to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note.
Obsidian plugin that uses https://github.com/unboundhuman/galactic-calendar to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note. - GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon...
GitHub - unboundhuman/obsidian-13-moon-calendar-plugin: Obsidian plugin that uses https://github.com/unboundhuman/galactic-calendar to insert the current Galactic Calendar date information into an Obsidian note.