

#Capture #Darkroom #iOS
‎Darkroom: Photo & Video Editor
‎Darkroom: Photo & Video Editor
‎Darkroom is a premium photo & video editor that is easy to use by casual photographers, yet powerful enough for the pros. ** Winner of Apple Design Award in 2020 ** ** Best of the App Store 2015 ** Available as a Universal app on iPhone, iPad, and macOS Big Sur with deep integration into all of t…
‎Darkroom: Photo & Video Editor
The Power of RAW on iPhone, Part 2: Editing RAW
The Power of RAW on iPhone, Part 2: Editing RAW
This is the second in a series of posts on RAW photography on iPhone. I previously wrote about what RAW is by explaining a little on how cameras work, how you can use RAW, and what some key tradeoffs of using RAW are. New to this series? I suggest you start there. I’m the design half of the team that builds Halide, a camera app for iPhone. As a result, I take — and edit — a lot of photos on my iPhone. This guide will walk you through the basics of RAW editing and adjustment. Most of these pointers also apply to editing RAW files from other cameras, but some parts focus on iOS editing workflows and how to transfer your RAW files from your iPhone to your Mac or PC. Most of Halide’s (and other iOS RAW camera apps’) RAW shots come out fairly ‘flat’, as they are basically designed to give you maximum editing freedom instead of looking punchy right out of the camera. My workflow is typically to edit them a bit and share them: Editing RAW files can be done right on your iPhone, or on your Mac or PC. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves: the editing..
The Power of RAW on iPhone, Part 2: Editing RAW
Halide: One Year Later
Halide: One Year Later
Leading up to Halide’s launch one year ago, Sebastiaan and I had no idea what to expect. We’d spent ten months of nights and weekends on this thing, and you still couldn’t take a photo with the volume buttons— table stakes for a camera app. But we’d set a deadline for ourselves. It was time to ship and test our theories. Eek. We set out to build Halide after trying every major camera app and being left unsatisfied. We wanted an app for thoughtful, deliberate photography, not selfies. We wanted a tactile experience that felt like a high-end physical camera. We wanted the professional tools you’d find on a DSLR. We hoped others shared our experience. We hoped critics understood what we were going for, and would forgive a few missing features. We hoped the app economy wasn’t dead, and you could still make a few bucks. At the same time, we were launching another camera app in a crowded market. We were asking for an up-front payment when freemium is the norm. This wasn’t the App Store of 2008, so we were prepared for the worst. One year later we can say Halide has exceeded our wildest expectations. Let’s dive into what we..
Halide: One Year Later
Halide 1.9: Bleeding Edge
Halide 1.9: Bleeding Edge
It’s here: Halide 1.9, our best camera app. This release is the result of months of intense work, focused on bringing Halide to a whole new level of bleeding edge technology. From a comprehensive redesign of our render pipeline to integration with all the latest technologies, this our highest-tech release yet. iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR Support Halide 1.9 takes full advantage of the iPhone XS Max’ extra screen real estate, powerful new cameras, and the new wide-gamut screens of all new iPhones. Halide feels like it’s made for the XS Max with a tweaked landscape UI, extra-large last shot thumbnail and its entire user interface easily reachable with just one hand. With the biggest screen yet, we felt ergonomics were more important than ever, and we ensured Halide is a joy to use on this behemoth. Oh, and if you’re curious about all that exciting new camera tech packed in your brand new iPhone XS or XR, we have something for you… More on that in a second. iOS 12 Support Not lucky enough to have a new iPhone yet? Don’t fret: we’re on the front lines with supporting all the great new iOS 12 features. Portrait Matte iPhone..
Halide 1.9: Bleeding Edge
Halide 1.7: In Depth
Halide 1.7: In Depth
Between the iPhone 7 Plus, 8 Plus, and X, over half of all iPhones sold come with dual cameras. With two cameras, killer apps like Portrait Mode become possible. At this rate, depth capture might one day be as standard of a feature to us as the camera flash. We built Halide as the very best camera for iPhones — heck, for any smartphone — and we always want Halide to be ahead of the curve. So today we’re launching Halide 1.7, a huge update that packs tons of new features and enhancements to make it the very best camera for depth. Here’s five new features that make Halide 1.7 the best camera for Depth Capture: I. Built-In Portrait Mode We now include Portrait Mode directly within Halide. We didn’t rush this one out: we spent a lot of time perfecting a great Portrait Mode experience and ensuring the results are spectacular. What makes Portrait Mode in Halide special? For one, zero waiting: you’ll notice Halide doesn’t ask you to change your composition or move around to get the effect to appear. We do this with a carefully considered portrait logic that balances control, speed and simplicity. If you pick a point-of-interest, we keep..
Halide 1.7: In Depth
H Darkroom 3.5 αναβάθμιση φέρνει φίλτρα αναγνώρισης βάθους και πολλά ακόμη
H Darkroom 3.5 αναβάθμιση φέρνει φίλτρα αναγνώρισης βάθους και πολλά ακόμη
Η Darkroom με την τελευταία αναβάθμιση της εφαρμογής της φέρνει μοναδικές δυνατότητες επεξεργασίας στο Portrait Mode του iPhone. Χρησιμοποιώντας τις πληροφορίες βάθους του Portrait Mode η εφαρμογή στην 3.5 έκδοση της μπορεί ανεξάρτητα να κάνει επεξεργασία και μεταβολές τόσο στο παρασκήνιο όσο και στο προσκήνιο. Η νέα αυτή αναβάθμιση επίσης φέρνει ανεπτυγμένη υποστήριξη RAW αρχείων […]
H Darkroom 3.5 αναβάθμιση φέρνει φίλτρα αναγνώρισης βάθους και πολλά ακόμη
Приложение для редактирования фотографий Darkroom добавляет поддержку нового формата Apple ProRAW
Приложение для редактирования фотографий Darkroom добавляет поддержку нового формата Apple ProRAW
Популярное приложение для редактирования фотографий и видео Darkroom было обновлено сегодня с поддержкой нового формата фотографий Apple ProRAW. ProRAW был впервые анонсирован на октябрьском мероприятии Apple, а на этой неделе он стал доступен пользователям iPhone 12 Pro и iPhone 12 Pro Max благодар
Приложение для редактирования фотографий Darkroom добавляет поддержку нового формата Apple ProRAW
Aplikace pro úpravu fotografií Darkroom byla vylepšena o několik nových funkcí
Aplikace pro úpravu fotografií Darkroom byla vylepšena o několik nových funkcí
Populární profesionální software pro úpravu fotografií Darkroom byl v sobotu aktualizován na verzi 3.3, čímž bylo vylepšeno zpracování formátů fotografií a vylepšil i několik nových funkcí, které byly představeny v listopadové změně designu, která byla zaměřena na iPhone X. Minulý měsíc byl Darkroom aktualizován na verzi 3.2, kde byla přidána kompatibilita duálního objektivu iPhone X, […]
Aplikace pro úpravu fotografií Darkroom byla vylepšena o několik nových funkcí
App Roundup: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery, iTunes Remote, iPastels 3, Pokemon Quest, more!
App Roundup: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery, iTunes Remote, iPastels 3, Pokemon Quest, more!
In the constantly-changing landscape of the App Store and the software marketplace, new apps and updates to existing titles are announced all the time. AppleInsider highlights some of the more notable app introductions and software updates for iOS and macOS that surfaced in the past week.
App Roundup: Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery, iTunes Remote, iPastels 3, Pokemon Quest, more!