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Podcast Luisteren (PodNL): Jasper Hauser over WWDC 2020
Podcast Luisteren (PodNL): Jasper Hauser over WWDC 2020
From Darkroom heeft een Apple Design Award gewonnen en we zijn daarom erg vereerd dat Jasper Hauser van Darkroom in de iCulture Podcast langskwam om zijn mening te geven over WWDC 2020, de aankondingen én natuurlijk om te vertellen hoe het is om zo'n belangrijke prijs van Apple te winnen! Jasper Hauser is overal op sociale media te vinden onder de accountnaam @jasperhauser. Als mede-oprichter van Darkroom heeft hij ervoor gezorgd dat honderdduizenden mensen deze app voor fotobewerking met veel plezier op hun iPhone gebruiken - en dankzij de Apple Design Award 2020 is dat aantal spectaculair toegenomen. Het doet heel wat met je, het winnen van zo'n Award, maar voor Jasper en zijn collega's betekent het nu niet dat ze anders gaan werken. #Links --- Send in a voice message:
Podcast Luisteren (PodNL): Jasper Hauser over WWDC 2020
My Must-Have iOS Apps, 2018 Edition
My Must-Have iOS Apps, 2018 Edition
Photography and Images Lightroom. One of my goals for the next few months is to learn more about iPhone photography and the intricacies of editing RAW. I’m curious about this topic and have always been fascinated by the idea of being able to precisely control every aspect of a picture when editing it. As part
My Must-Have iOS Apps, 2018 Edition
My Must-Have Mac Apps, 2018 Edition
My Must-Have Mac Apps, 2018 Edition
Utilities When I went through the apps on my Mac to decide which are must-haves, I realized that I use more utilities than I thought. I guess that shouldn’t come as much of a surprise. I use lots of utilities on iOS too, but the difference is in the kind of utilities I use. While
My Must-Have Mac Apps, 2018 Edition
Darkroom 5.2 Improves Photo Management with New Flag and Reject Functionality
Darkroom 5.2 Improves Photo Management with New Flag and Reject Functionality
One of the greatest advantages of the iPhone’s camera hardware is that it’s easy to take photos wherever you are. That’s also a bit of a curse because there’s probably no greater friction in managing a photo library than sifting through a large stack of images looking for the ones you want to keep. The
Darkroom 5.2 Improves Photo Management with New Flag and Reject Functionality
Darkroom 4.0: The MacStories Review
Darkroom 4.0: The MacStories Review
With version 4.0 released today, Darkroom has emerged as a photo editing force to be reckoned with on iOS. The highlight of the release is a brand-new iPad app, which is the version I’ll focus on in this review. I ran into a couple of bugs and would like to see Darkroom push its photo
Darkroom 4.0: The MacStories Review
Halide 1.7 Brings New Depth Photography and ARKit Features, Darkroom Integration
Halide 1.7 Brings New Depth Photography and ARKit Features, Darkroom Integration
We first reviewed Halide, the powerful third-party camera app by Ben Sandofsky and Sebastiaan de With, when it debuted in the summer of 2017, providing a powerful and elegant alternative to Apple’s Camera app that fully embraced RAW photography and advanced controls in an intuitive interface. We later showcased Halide’s iPhone X update as one
Halide 1.7 Brings New Depth Photography and ARKit Features, Darkroom Integration