Reading List

Reading List

#Twitter #ifttt
Focus Modes live session – design your Home Screens with me - YouTube
Focus Modes live session – design your Home Screens with me - YouTube
iOS 15 & iPadOS 15 are out and there’s so much room to play with Focus modes, custom Home Screens, and widgets on the iPad now too – so let’s work on them together! I spent WAY too much time on the betas testing these and have tons of tips, recommendations for setups, and apps/shortcuts to share – I totally “get it” so I’d love to help you dive in too! Join me for the morning and let’s work on them together – leave questions/comments in the chat and submit your Home Screens in the Discord so I can take a look on-stream. See you in the chat!
Focus Modes live session – design your Home Screens with me - YouTube
“The fuck is #twinder? Alright here it goes: Retro Doge, 4.25 years old, bisexual af. I love sushi, long walkies, and barking at my own sleep paralysis demon. If you're in the greater Houston area and love to give head pats, I'm the Doge for you.”
“well, that's my weekend project done it selects for 480p to conserve on bandwidth for ie; when in the office which makes it a little slower to startup but not that bad”
“@NeoYokel @gruber Looks like a backup bug. Erasing all content and settings, and setting up as a new iPhone should resolve your issue. If you use iCloud, you aren’t really setting up as new. You’ll have anything set to go to iCloud (not a backup). Ex: photos, contacts, messages, passwords, etc 👍🏽”
“As someone who’s set up 5 new devices in the last week, my advice is to restore a new iPhone with the device-to-device transfer, not iCloud. Don’t worry if it says it might take a little longer. Device-to-device is better IMO because it moves over *all* your login credentials.”
“"Why doesn't every dev open source their app?" people always ask. Because people steal the code without permission and it's no fun to track down their apps as a side job. 😐”
“@NeoYokel @OverampedApp Safari extensions were announced at WWDC 2.5 months ago and thus iOS 15 is the first opportunity for such an app to exist. There's probably others. Performance is probably very similar yeah, the code isn't too difficult. The price is just a good "impulse buy" territory.”