A former Gizmodo writer changed his name to ‘Slackbot’ and stayed undetected for monthsWhy didn’t I think of this?#Slack#The Verge#Media ⁔⁔A former Gizmodo writer changed his name to ‘Slackbot’ and stayed undetected for months
Hate the Slack redesign? Try these tipsHere's how to make the most of Slack's new look.#SlackHate the Slack redesign? Try these tips
Slack’s biggest redesign ever tries to tame the chaos of your workdayIt’s trying to be a better messaging app — but also lots of other things.#SlackSlack’s biggest redesign ever tries to tame the chaos of your workday
An Economy of Godzillas: Salesforce, Slack, and Microsoft - BIG by Matt StollerSalesforce-Slack and Penguin-Simon & Schuster both show a failure to enforce antitrust laws creates monopolies.#Power#Slack#Media ⁔⁔#Meta-MediaAn Economy of Godzillas: Salesforce, Slack, and Microsoft - BIG by Matt Stoller
What your private Slack channels say about your company’s cultureWith more workplaces hiring far-flung employees and leaning on Slack to bridge the gap, work culture is Slack culture.#SlackWhat your private Slack channels say about your company’s culture
Problems to watch for in Slack’s IPO — QuartzThe business communications company is growing like crazy, but it still isn't making money.#slack#PocketProblems to watch for in Slack’s IPO — Quartz