Humanity and Tech — Minimalist EdTechI hadn't seen this from Matt when it first came out last month, but it hit me timely today: When tech oversteps its mandate as a too...#writeas#Writing Tools#Academia ⁖⁅⁁#Meta-Media#Media ⁔⁔#DivisionHumanity and Tech — Minimalist EdTech
How to start a newsletterAttention aspiring newsletter writers: Here’s everything you need to get your stories into people’s inboxes.#Media ⁔⁔#Meta-Media#EMAIL#Writing ToolsHow to start a newsletter
Longform Podcast #434: Jessica Lessin · LongformJessica Lessin is founder and editor-in-chief of The Information. “It's very, very hard to predict the winners. A lot of investors try to do this. And I think sometimes where the press gets in trouble is trying to make a call.… It's not always#Media ⁔⁔#Podcast#Audio ⁐⁐#Meta-Media#Power#Writing Tools#Creative WellnessLongform Podcast #434: Jessica Lessin · Longform
Small b blogging#critical reading#Media ⁔⁔#Creative Wellness#Meta-Media#critchlow#Writing Tools#BlogSmall b blogging