Reading List

Reading List

"#Internet History"
Quora and the Search for Truth
Quora and the Search for Truth
The Internet is a place of unreliable facts and heavy socialization, so it makes sense that there is a website like Quora, where a registered community of users poses and answers questions about all sorts of things. With 450,000 topics, it’s a challenge to keep it all straight, but it’s necessary for a future ad business.
Quora and the Search for Truth
The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media a book by Kevin Driscoll
The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media a book by Kevin Driscoll
The untold story about how the internet became social, and why this matters for its future "Whether you're reading this for a nostalgic romp or to understand the dawn of the internet, The Modem World will delight you with tales of BBS culture and shed light on how the decisions of the past shape our current networked world."--danah boyd, author of It's Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens Fifteen years before the commercialization of the internet, millions of amateurs across North America created more than 100,000 small-scale computer networks. The people who built and maintained these dial-up bulletin board systems (BBSs) in the 1980s laid the groundwork for millions of others who would bring their lives online in the 1990s and beyond. From ham radio operators to HIV/AIDS activists, these modem enthusiasts developed novel forms of community moderation, governance, and commercialization. The Modem World tells an alternative origin story for social media, centered not in the office parks of Silicon Valley or the meeting rooms of military contractors, but rather on the online communities of hobbyists, activists, and entrepreneurs. Over time, countless social media platforms have appropriated the social and technical innovations of the BBS community. How can these untold stories from the internet's past inspire more inclusive visions of its future?
The Modem World: A Prehistory of Social Media a book by Kevin Driscoll
Twitter buyout puts Mastodon into spotlight
Twitter buyout puts Mastodon into spotlight
The news of Elon Musk buying Twitter has put Mastodon into the public spotlight as an alternative social network, rapidly exploding our growth with over 30,000 new users in just a single day. This is because at Mastodon, we present a vision of social media that cannot be bought and owned by any billionaire, and strive to create a more resilient global platform without profit incentives. We believe that your ability to communicate online should not be at the whims of a single commercial company.
Twitter buyout puts Mastodon into spotlight