Reading List

Reading List

Decoding Media
Decoding Media
Peter Kafka is the Chief Correspondent at Business Insider. We cover the evolution of Netflix, the YouTube threat for media incumbents, and the business model for news.
Decoding Media
Final Cut Pro 2 for iPad and Final Cut Camera Released
Final Cut Pro 2 for iPad and Final Cut Camera Released
Apple announced that today it is releasing Final Cut Pro 2 for the iPad and Final Cut Camera for the iPhone on the App Store. Both apps were announced at the company’s Let Loose event in May. To recap, Final Cut Pro 2 for the iPad adds the following features: Live Multicam, which allows users
Final Cut Pro 2 for iPad and Final Cut Camera Released
Accessibility Fundamentals Overview
Accessibility Fundamentals Overview
Accessibility resources free online from the international standards organization: W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
Accessibility Fundamentals Overview
Florian Beijers
Florian Beijers
Because everybody needs a spot on the web these days
Florian Beijers
💊 Adderall crackdown - Snacks
💊 Adderall crackdown - Snacks
Hey Snackers, fired around a dozen staffers after investigating claims that they were pretending to work with “simulation of keyboard activity.”...
a pandemic spike in prescriptions for ADHD meds and supply chain issues played a role in a two-year shortage of meds including Adderall.
💊 Adderall crackdown - Snacks
Uh oh.
Uh oh.
Periodically I try out those online surveys that pop up on ESPN, or the like, because I want to see if anyone's figured out how to make them...
Uh oh.
A Web Map from Scratch
A Web Map from Scratch
This static map was made from OpenStreetMap tiles with 8 lines of code: You can use this in your own notebooks by importing the function: How does this code work? Let's find out, step by step. Most web maps, including OpenStreetMap, use the Web Mercator system, exposing map data as fixed-size square images (e.g. 256×256). Here's the only tile available at the lowest zoom level \`0\`, covering the whole world: On the next zoom level, we have 4 tiles covering the same area as the parent one but more deta
A Web Map from Scratch
The Many Apps of Sindre Sorhus
The Many Apps of Sindre Sorhus
Whether you know who Sindre Sorhus is or not you still may be using one of his many popular and mostly free apps. Sindre is a full-time open-source developer currently based in Thailand who is...
The Many Apps of Sindre Sorhus