Reading List

Reading List

"#Market Tools"
SGS-A Player Interface As with all SGS versions, SGS-A is written with two key features in mind: It should run using the Shortcuts app and ...
Introducing the 2022 Automation April Shortcuts Contest Winners
Introducing the 2022 Automation April Shortcuts Contest Winners
John: One of the hardest things about a new project is keeping it under wraps until it’s ready. That was true of Automation April in general, but it was especially true of the Shortcuts Contest. As soon as we’d decided on the outline of what the contest would be, we knew it was something that
Introducing the 2022 Automation April Shortcuts Contest Winners
Substack, Drafts integration? - General Discussion - Drafts Community
Substack, Drafts integration? - General Discussion - Drafts Community
Lapsed Auto Writer and self-described Software Historian. My Drafts-specific GitHub repo for documentation and config stuff. Actions Fetch contents of # Tot Dot | Drafts Directory Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages | Drafts Directory Append to 7th Tot Dot | Drafts Directory List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited | Drafts Directory Markdown Footnote (Variation) | Drafts Directory Markdown Emphasis (*) | Drafts Directory Embed Action Groups NeoCities | Drafts Directory Themes The Psa...
Substack, Drafts integration? - General Discussion - Drafts Community
Things that can't be currently themed on Telegram for Mac OS
Things that can't be currently themed on Telegram for Mac OS
Here's a list of things that can't be currently themed on Telegram for Mac OS and could be made unreadable with themes. Date color for medias It's possible to change the color of the background for it, but text always stays white. Color for number of unread messages For both muted and not, it's not possible to change that color currently. Text color for "Add stickers" button If very bright color is picked as accent, this text will stay white and will be unreadable. Highlight for comment reply When you hold…
Things that can't be currently themed on Telegram for Mac OS
Browser icons! Now you can upload one yourself, and make your blog even more... — What's New on
Browser icons! Now you can upload one yourself, and make your blog even more... — What's New on
To get started, go to your blog’s Customize page, and click the image under “Favicon.” This is available to all Pro users, and we’d love to hear your feedback! Comment on the forum or Discuss......
Browser icons! Now you can upload one yourself, and make your blog even more... — What's New on
Laws of Identity
Laws of Identity
When digital identity ceases to be a pain in the ass, we can thank Kim Cameron and his Seven Laws of Identity, which he wrote in 2004, formally published in early 2005, and gently explained and put…
Laws of Identity
Authoring man pages in Markdown with Pandoc
Authoring man pages in Markdown with Pandoc
man pages are one of the most tenacious forms of programmer-oriented documentation. These manual pages have changed relatively little since their first publication in 1971. Regardless of whether or not they’re still relevant in the age of the internet, they remain an invaluable reference for any serious command line application or C library function.
Authoring man pages in Markdown with Pandoc
Book Purchasing and Consuming Choices - MacSparky
Book Purchasing and Consuming Choices - MacSparky
It looks like Amazon will be allowing you to put EPUB books onto your Kindle devices. Historically, only MOBI formatted books were allowed on the Kindle, so this is an excellent (if not overdue) update. This change, as noted by 9to5 Mac, will still not allow you to put EPUBs purchased on the Apple Books Store on... Continue reading →
Book Purchasing and Consuming Choices - MacSparky
Let's Create a 90s Web Programing Abomination Using Modern Technology - Matt Arnold's Treehouse
Let's Create a 90s Web Programing Abomination Using Modern Technology - Matt Arnold's Treehouse
I make no secret of the fact I hate modern Web Development stacks. It doesn’t matter what language or framework it is. I hate it all equally, I hate PHP even more. Flask sucks less then all the others. But it still sucks. Granted I still use modern web tools, money, and food dull the […]
Let's Create a 90s Web Programing Abomination Using Modern Technology - Matt Arnold's Treehouse