Reading List

Reading List

"#Internet History" "#internet history" important:1
The End of Vice
The End of Vice
VICE may be over, but Cyber is still here at the end of it all. Matthew, Emily, Anna Merlan, Tim Marchman and Mack Lamoureux are here to eulogize the company and explain what the fuck just happened.Thanks for listening over the years. And don't worry--we're not logging off for good. Matthew and Emily will be back sometime soon with a new podcast project. Stay tuned.[Vice's New Owners Prepare to Slash What's Left of Its Work Force](
The End of Vice
Twitter buyout puts Mastodon into spotlight
Twitter buyout puts Mastodon into spotlight
The news of Elon Musk buying Twitter has put Mastodon into the public spotlight as an alternative social network, rapidly exploding our growth with over 30,000 new users in just a single day. This is because at Mastodon, we present a vision of social media that cannot be bought and owned by any billionaire, and strive to create a more resilient global platform without profit incentives. We believe that your ability to communicate online should not be at the whims of a single commercial company.
Twitter buyout puts Mastodon into spotlight