Reading List

Reading List

#Power "#Market Tools"
The Kansas City Defender is a nonprofit news site for young Black audiences across the Midwest
The Kansas City Defender is a nonprofit news site for young Black audiences across the Midwest
"We do advocate against the racist function of policing, [but] we focus equally on being present in the community, doing poetry nights, basketball park takeovers, and other community-building, life-affirming activities."
The Kansas City Defender is a nonprofit news site for young Black audiences across the Midwest
French iOS developers file antitrust suit over Apple’s App Store fees – TechCrunch
French iOS developers file antitrust suit over Apple’s App Store fees – TechCrunch
Apple is facing yet another antitrust lawsuit over its App Store fees, this time filed by a group of French iOS app developers who are suing the tech giant in its home state of California. The plaintiffs are accusing Apple of anticompetitive practices in allowing only one App Store for iOS devices,…
French iOS developers file antitrust suit over Apple’s App Store fees – TechCrunch
Should You Really Delete Your Period Tracking App?
Should You Really Delete Your Period Tracking App?
Since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision depriving people of the right to abortion leaked last month, some have advised deleting period tracking apps to prevent that data from being used to target people seeking abortion care. But it’s useful to distinguish between the security and privacy threats that abortion seekers are actively experiencing now versus threats that may come in the future.
Should You Really Delete Your Period Tracking App?
Real Life
Real Life
Real Life is a magazine about living with technology. The emphasis is more on living. We publish one piece a day—essays, features, uncategorizable—four or five days a week. We launched with funding from Snapchat, but we operate with editorial independence and without ads.
Real Life