Personal Technology With Joanna Stern - Apple’s Software Chief Explains ‘Misunderstood’ iPhone Child-Protection Features (Exclusive)
Apple’s tools for flagging child pornography and identifying explicit photos in kids’ messages caused backlash and confusion. In an exclusive interview, Apple s
Hindsight is the enemy of nostalgia. At 27, I'm probably at the absolutely lower limit of people who actually remember 9/11. To even say I "remember" it using the term loosely. I don't remember any…
Platforms offering to connect people for paid friendship have been on the rise during the pandemic – but some worry the service is being used for the wrong reasons.
The cynical side of my brain is convinced that Ireland is a country based on waves – be they of COVID, careerist coalition partners, or emigration. It sometimes feels as if we’re stuck having the same few conversations every five months or years, running into depressingly similar problems without any real conclusion. I guess this […]
In 2011, Jeff Bezos dreamt up a talking device. But making the virtual assistant sound intelligent proved far more difficult than anyone could have imagined.