The Journal of Electronic Imaging publishes papers that are normally considered in the design, engineering, and applications of electronic imaging technologies.
10 Things we Learned at Annotated 2024 : Hypothesis
10 Things We Learned at AnnotatED 2024 If you thought social annotation was just an EdTech buzzword, AnnotatED 2024 was here to prove you wrong. This year’s conference was a […]
They gave local news away for free. Virtually nobody wanted it.
When 2,529 people were offered a free subscription to their local newspapers, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and the Philadelphia Inquirer, only forty-four accepted—less than 2 percent—according to an academic study set to be published this year in the American Journal of Political Science. Dan Hopkins, a political science professor at the University of Pennsylvania, conducted the […]
Shifting your research from X to Mastodon? Here’s what you need to know
Since Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter/X and subsequent changes to that platform, computational
social science researchers may be considering shifting their research programs to
Mastodon and the fediverse. This article sounds several notes of caution about such
a shift. We explain key differences between the fediverse and X, ultimately arguing
that research must be with the fediverse, not on it.
The Fediverse, a decentralized social network with interconnected spaces that are each independently managed with unique rules and cultural norms, has seen a surge in popularity. Decentralization h...
I forgot about the Titlecase API -
I made a little web service back in 2015 and somewhere in the following 7 years I forgot about it. I’ve been adding title-casing to various projects and plugins and keep writing new code for it…
A different approach to digital technology in schools
It's 2017 in NZ, and our schools aren't producing enough confident, informed digital participants. Sure, they can play games like a boss, but that's just digital consumption.
This morning, trawling the Computer Science sections of Arxiv, as I do most mornings, I came across a recent paper from the Federal University of Ceara in Brazil, offering a new Natural Language Processing framework to automate the summarization and extraction of core data from scientific papers. Since this is more or less what I […]
pCJR · Introducing Red Pen: A Grammar Podcast There’s a famous scene from the final season of The Wire—y’know, The One With the Newspeople—where cub reporter Alma Gutierrez, new to the show’s (thinly) fictionalized version of the Baltimore Sun, receives a crash course in the paper’s lofty lexical standards: “Gutierrez!” her editor shouts across […]/p
Echo Chambers, Rabbit Holes, and Algorithmic Bias: How YouTube Recommends Content to Real Users
To what extent does the YouTube recommendation algorithm push users into echo chambers, ideologically biased content, or rabbit holes? Using a novel method to e
Our White Paper on Social Annotation in the Classroom : Hypothesis
Hypothesis has just published its first research white paper: “The Value of Social Annotation for Teaching and Learning: Promoting Comprehension, Collaboration and Critical Thinking With Hypothesis,” authored by Dr. Remi Kalir.
Sleep loss leads to the withdrawal of human helping across individuals, groups, and large-scale societies
Helping behavior between humans has been one of the most influential forces sculpting modern civilizations, but what factors influence this propensity to help? This study demonstrates that a lack of sleep dictates whether humans choose to help each other at three different scales: within individuals, across individuals, and across societies.
A piece of writing aiming to be academic must be 'clear, concise, focused, structured and backed up by evidence'. We believe that Markdown writing tools make it easier to focus on content and thus support the main aim of academic writing. iA Writer has a couple of tricks up its sleeves that other apps do not.
Celebrating Nearly 40 Million Annotations : Hypothesis
We’re just about to reach 40 million annotations! Here’s to all the annotators out there: We share this milestone with each of you. Read all about it — and find out what else we've been up to lately.
Disorganized Attachment in Adulthood: Theory, Measurement, and Implications for Romantic Relationships - Ramona L. Paetzold, W. Steven Rholes, Jamie L. Kohn, 2015
Disorganized attachment has been studied extensively in the developmental attachment literature, particularly with regard to infants and children. It has not be...