Using Old Cellphones to Listen for Illegal LoggersIndonesian villagers are trying out a treetop surveillance system that uses recycled phones and artificial intelligence software to detect chain saws.#about#mobile#technology#Division#PocketUsing Old Cellphones to Listen for Illegal Loggers
Jia Tolentino on the Rise and Fall of the Internet | The New Yorker Radio Hour#technology#Academia ⁖⁅⁁#Pocket#EssayΞΟΞJia Tolentino on the Rise and Fall of the Internet | The New Yorker Radio Hour
The Collapsing Crime Rates of the ’90s Might Have Been Driven by CellphonesDid technology disrupt the drug game, too?#american culture#technology#PocketThe Collapsing Crime Rates of the ’90s Might Have Been Driven by Cellphones
See No EvilAn investigation into how software wires global supply chains, and what code conceals.#technology#PocketSee No Evil