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Introducing the 2022 Automation April Shortcuts Contest Winners
Introducing the 2022 Automation April Shortcuts Contest Winners
John: One of the hardest things about a new project is keeping it under wraps until it’s ready. That was true of Automation April in general, but it was especially true of the Shortcuts Contest. As soon as we’d decided on the outline of what the contest would be, we knew it was something that
Introducing the 2022 Automation April Shortcuts Contest Winners
Automation April: Processing Tot Dots with Shortcuts
Automation April: Processing Tot Dots with Shortcuts
I’ve used Tot by The Iconfactory on and off since it was released in 2020 and reviewed by Federico, but it never stuck. I never came up with a system for using the app that fits well with how I work. Instead, I would simply dump text and URLs copied from the web or jot
Automation April: Processing Tot Dots with Shortcuts