On Writing | Dustin
episode 8
Hut 8
Let's Create a 90s Web Programing Abomination Using Modern Technology - Matt Arnold's Treehouse
I make no secret of the fact I hate modern Web Development stacks. It doesn’t matter what language or framework it is. I hate it all equally, I hate PHP even more. Flask sucks less then all the others. But it still sucks. Granted I still use modern web tools, money, and food dull the […]
episode 4
dimethyltriptamine/weechat_scripts: Perl scripts i've made for weechat
Perl scripts i've made for weechat. Contribute to dimethyltriptamine/weechat_scripts development by creating an account on GitHub.
The Story of the Tilde.Club, by Paul Ford
The above gif courtesy of ~butts.
My earliest days on the computer were spent using platforms like AIM, Homestead, and LiveJournal, so the nostalgic references to "the past" in this article were...
The first RISC-V portable computer is now available
The DevTerm R-01 is a RISC-V based "slabtop" computer.
dm-verity — The Linux Kernel documentation
Files are hard
Things that used to be hard and are now easy
tomasino (dot) org
A collection of places to find me around the web
~vilmibm's tilde town shrine
Using the iPad Pro as my development machine
I purchased an iPad Pro with the Smart Keyboard and Pencil to use it as my main computer. Can it replace my local workstation? Is it powerful enough for my day-to-day tasks? Let's find out.
Paul Ford's tilde.club home page
2015 10 03 ed tutorial
2022 02 09 mixminion
Tilde.Club: I had a couple drinks and woke up with 1,000 nerds
This is the story of an accidental network of hundreds of people all (sort of) working toward a vague common goal on a ridiculous project that did not exist two weeks ago. The way it started was…