I forgot about the Titlecase API - BrettTerpstra.com
I made a little web service back in 2015 and somewhere in the following 7 years I forgot about it. I’ve been adding title-casing to various projects and plugins and keep writing new code for it…
Reverse chronological home timeline in the Twitter API v2 - Announcements - Twitter Developers
Today, we are launching reverse chronological home timeline to the Twitter API v2 to enable you to retrieve the most recent Tweets and Retweets posted by the authenticated user and the accounts they follow. We know this functionality is important to numerous developer use-cases and we will continue to prioritize innovation and functionality that allows you to build with the core elements of the Twitter experience. “The 1.1 home_timeline API is one of our most used API calls. The increased rate ...
Permission to Slash, Granted: Introducing Slash Command Permissions
There’s a brand-new page in Server Settings: Command Permissions! Server admins and moderators can head into the Integrations page to customize which slash commands can be used, in what channels, and by which roles. Read on for more!