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So You Want To Make A Command Line Interface
So You Want To Make A Command Line Interface
[Keba] not only asked, but also sent us an email as follows. “Can you make a basic guide to designing a good Command Line User Interface?” Wouldn’t you know …
So You Want To Make A Command Line Interface
Archiving a (WordPress) website with wget
Archiving a (WordPress) website with wget
`wget --mirror -p --html-extension --convert-links -e robots=off -P . http://url-to-site` I needed to archive several WordPress sites as part of the process of gathering the raw data for my thesis research. I found a few recipes online for using wget to grab entire sites, but they all needed some tweaking. So, here's my recipe for posterity: I used wget, which is available on any linux-ish system (I ran it on the same Ubuntu server that hosts the sites). wget --mirror -p --html-extension --convert-links -e robots=off -P .
Archiving a (WordPress) website with wget
Command line quick tips: wc, sort, sed and tr - Fedora Magazine
Command line quick tips: wc, sort, sed and tr - Fedora Magazine
Linux distributions are great to use and they have some tricks under their sleeves which users may not be aware of. Let’s have a look at some command line utilities which really come in handy when you’re the guy that likes to stick with the terminal rather than using a GUI.  We all know that […]
Command line quick tips: wc, sort, sed and tr - Fedora Magazine