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Shipping Tumblr and WordPress
Shipping Tumblr and WordPress
Since Automattic acquired Tumblr we’ve made it more efficient, grown its revenue, and worked to improve the platform. But there’s one part of the plan that we haven’t yet started, which is to run T…
Shipping Tumblr and WordPress
Recently read a tweet pondering that maybe most software we've built could just... — Micro Matt
Recently read a tweet pondering that maybe most software we've built could just... — Micro Matt
What if we took social media a little less seriously -- even the "better" solutions like the #fediverse? What if we didn't worry about "changing the world" with some new startup idea, and instead improved life for a few people? What if we just made cool shit online that could help pay our bills and then we do something new when that gets old? What if we forgot the 1990s-2020s delusion that the information superhighway was go...
Recently read a tweet pondering that maybe most software we've built could just... — Micro Matt
State of the Word 2022
State of the Word 2022
In the State of the Word 2022 annual keynote address, WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg reflects on WordPress in 2022 and aspirations for the coming year.
State of the Word 2022