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Shareshot 1.0: Pixel Perfect Screenshots, Beautifully Presented
Shareshot 1.0: Pixel Perfect Screenshots, Beautifully Presented
I’ve used Federico’s Apple Frames shortcut to add device frames to screenshots for years. It’s a great way to quickly process multiple screenshots and upload them to the MacStories CDN with minimal effort. But as great as Shortcuts is for simplifying this sort of task, there are advantages to using a native app instead. Shareshot
Shareshot 1.0: Pixel Perfect Screenshots, Beautifully Presented
iOS Homescreen 2024
iOS Homescreen 2024
The homescreen I described last time has stayed pretty relevant for a long time, but the most recent iOS update added some new features and so it has evolved. It's essentially all the same functionality and applications, just moved around a little...
iOS Homescreen 2024
Apple Frames 3.0: Completely Rewritten, Support for iPhone 14 Pro and Dynamic Island, New Devices, Multiple Display Resolutions, and More
Apple Frames 3.0: Completely Rewritten, Support for iPhone 14 Pro and Dynamic Island, New Devices, Multiple Display Resolutions, and More
Today, I’m pleased to announce the release of version 3.0 of Apple Frames, my shortcut to put screenshots taken on various Apple devices inside physical frames for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. Apple Frames 3.0 is a major update that involved a complete re-architecture of the shortcut to improve its performance and reliability on
Apple Frames 3.0: Completely Rewritten, Support for iPhone 14 Pro and Dynamic Island, New Devices, Multiple Display Resolutions, and More