Happy Friday! Now you can verify your fediverse / Mastodon / open web website...
ust head to your blog's Customize page, and enter the URL you want to verify. If you’re on Mastodon, simply add a link back to your Write.as blog and it’ll show up as verified! It works by adding a rel="me" link in the `` section of your blog. (Thanks to @rmasoni@m...
That was a very spiritual year for him. Turned 33 years old. That's how old Jesus was when he quit showing off and died and grew up and got a real job. He definitely ha...
Switching from a crowded email inbox to a more organized system for customer... — Micro Matt
erything is powered by our Discourse forum. Write.as users get a certain email address to send to, based on their support level. Those emails show up in different Discourse group inboxes. The high-priority group also pings my personal email, just so I don’t forget it’s there. But the low-priority group won’t ever disturb me — I have to visit that inbox to see messages there. When my email hour starts, first I v...
Writing a Twitter thread introducing Remark.as and poking fun at “web3,” and I... — Micro Matt
made more progress on the app. I’m trying not to get too bogged down by a checklist of “blog commenting” functionality, and focus more on the experience of “hanging out around blogs.” That means things will be a little funky when you arrive, and maybe a little disorienting — but that’s kind of the point. I don’t want to build a sterile, Facebook-ish environment. As of last night, instead of landing in a network-wide space (the “Café”), I hav...