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How open source licenses work and how to add them to your projects
by Radu Raicea How open source licenses work and how to add them to your projects Image credit: GitHubRecently, there was some exciting news for developers around the world. Facebook changed the license of multiple libraries they develop. They switched from BSD-3+patents to a MIT. That seems good, but what
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GitHub - dreamingechoes/awesome-mental-health: A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about mental health in the software industry.
A curated list of awesome articles, websites and resources about mental health in the software industry. - GitHub - dreamingechoes/awesome-mental-health: A curated list of awesome articles, website...
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
How to Win Friends and Influence People book. Read 20,009 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. You can go after the job you want...and...
Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Kerry Patterson
Crucial Conversations book. Read 3,538 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Learn how to keep your cool and get the results you want w...
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most by Douglas Stone
Difficult Conversations book. Read 970 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. Whether you're dealing with an under performing employee, ...
How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method by George PΓ³lya
How to Solve It book. Read 246 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. A perennial bestseller by eminent mathematician G. Polya, How to S...
The Art and Craft of Problem Solving by Paul Zeitz
The Art and Craft of Problem Solving book. Read 16 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. The newly revised Second Edtion of this distin...
GitHub - lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job: A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by
A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resources. Inspired by - GitHub - lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job: A curated list of awesome remote jobs and resour...
GitHub - georgemandis/remote-working-list: A list of job boards and websites for nomadic workers seeking freelance work
A list of job boards and websites for nomadic workers seeking freelance work - GitHub - georgemandis/remote-working-list: A list of job boards and websites for nomadic workers seeking freelance work