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Introducing MultiButton: Assign Two Shortcuts to the Same Action Button Press on iPhone 15 Pro
Introducing MultiButton: Assign Two Shortcuts to the Same Action Button Press on iPhone 15 Pro
I got my iPhone 15 Pro Max last week, and I’m loving the possibilities opened by the Action button combined with the Shortcuts app. But as I was playing around with different ideas for the Action button, I had a thought: Wouldn’t it be great if instead of just one shortcut, I could toggle between
Introducing MultiButton: Assign Two Shortcuts to the Same Action Button Press on iPhone 15 Pro
Top Apple Shortcuts For Plant And Nature Lovers
Top Apple Shortcuts For Plant And Nature Lovers
Are you a plant and nature lover looking to make the most of your garden? Look no further! This article will provide you with the top Apple shortcuts for tracking germination, monitoring growth, and more. You can easily take advantage of the iOS to ensure your plants are given all
Top Apple Shortcuts For Plant And Nature Lovers
What's New in Shortcuts - Issue #44
What's New in Shortcuts - Issue #44
On Wednesday, after the Apple Watch Ultra reviews dropped, I wrote up a quick story about the total apps that support Shortcuts now (as announced at WWDC) and how many of those can run from the new Action button on the watch.I'm hoping to get my hands on one soon and try it out, plus I'll be sharing my technique for turning the one dedicated shortcut into a multitool (as I mentioned in the post):
What's New in Shortcuts - Issue #44
What's New in Shortcuts - Issue #33
What's New in Shortcuts - Issue #33
This spring, I relaunched my entire Shortcuts Library with over 600 total shortcuts, including a special set of 150 bundle shortcuts attached to each folder page that compiles all the shortcuts in a category into a single multi-tool shortcut (for members only).Check out the full collection and see what's new — I'm adding iOS 16 beta shortcuts and new folders regularly starting with the public release:
What's New in Shortcuts - Issue #33
Substack, Drafts integration? - General Discussion - Drafts Community
Substack, Drafts integration? - General Discussion - Drafts Community
Lapsed Auto Writer and self-described Software Historian. My Drafts-specific GitHub repo for documentation and config stuff. Actions Fetch contents of # Tot Dot | Drafts Directory Send Draft to Telegram Saved Messages | Drafts Directory Append to 7th Tot Dot | Drafts Directory List Action Shortcuts, Comma-Delimited | Drafts Directory Markdown Footnote (Variation) | Drafts Directory Markdown Emphasis (*) | Drafts Directory Embed Action Groups NeoCities | Drafts Directory Themes The Psa...
Substack, Drafts integration? - General Discussion - Drafts Community