Downloading whole YouTube channels using the yt-dlp tool, with specifying video quality and format types. For a general run down and usage guide on yt-dlp go here. Go to the bottom for the full yt-dlp…
A while back, I wrote about how handy it was to redirect a man page into Preview. This allows you to keep the man page open, search it, and generally have a better user experience than struggling w…
30 things you can do in Mac Terminal, including watching Star Wars!
In this tutorial, we'll cover in detail some of the best uses for the macOS command line tool. Including: how to watch an ASCII version of Star Wars on the Mac using Terminal
Command line quick tips: wc, sort, sed and tr - Fedora Magazine
Linux distributions are great to use and they have some tricks under their sleeves which users may not be aware of. Let’s have a look at some command line utilities which really come in handy when you’re the guy that likes to stick with the terminal rather than using a GUI. We all know that […]