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Things 3 on the Mac App Store
Things 3 on the Mac App Store
‎Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals. Best of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can…
Things 3 on the Mac App Store
Things 3 on the App Store
Things 3 on the App Store
‎Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals. Best of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can…
Things 3 on the App Store
Things | Facebook
Things | Facebook
Things. 5,466 likes · 3 talking about this. The award-winning task manager for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Watch. Designed and engineered in Stuttgart, Germany since 2007.
Things | Facebook
Things 3 for iPad on the App Store
Things 3 for iPad on the App Store
‎Get things done! The award-winning Things app helps you plan your day, manage your projects, and make real progress toward your goals. Best of all, it’s easy to use. Within the hour, you’ll have everything off your mind and neatly organized—from routine tasks to your biggest life goals—and you can…
Things 3 for iPad on the App Store
Things 3.6 Reimagines External Keyboard Control on iPad
Things 3.6 Reimagines External Keyboard Control on iPad
Despite Apple’s message that the iPad Pro can be a viable PC replacement because, among other features, it natively supports a dedicated external keyboard, its software still isn’t fully optimized for keyboard control. This isn’t surprising at all: iOS was designed with multitouch in mind; as long as the iPad shares a common foundation with
Things 3.6 Reimagines External Keyboard Control on iPad