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2020 was the year of the audio renaissance | What’s New in Publishing | Digital Publishing News
2020 was the year of the audio renaissance | What’s New in Publishing | Digital Publishing News
Huge investments, mergers and experiments prove that getting into audio content is a lucrative move for publishers – but 2021 could be the year the dream of the open podcast economy dies an ignominious death. Chris Sutcliffe rounds up the year as part of our Media Moments 2020 report. Many, many deals have stalled or been delayed […]
2020 was the year of the audio renaissance | What’s New in Publishing | Digital Publishing News
Why Are American and British English Different? | Word Matters
Why Are American and British English Different? | Word Matters
This week is all about spelling. Some attempts to reform it have succeeded. (You've probably noticed that words are spelled differently in the US than in British English.) Others have failed hilariously. (You'll see.) But we're burying the lede; our first topic is that word itself: 'lede.' How did it find its current form? Then, we'll discuss the godfather of American English himself, Noah Webster. (Yes, that's where we got half our name.)
Why Are American and British English Different? | Word Matters