Bring GitHub collaboration tools to your small screens with GitHub for mobile. Sign up for the iOS beta or get on the list for our Android version—and we’ll let you know when your app of choice is ...
“As the sole developer of MacStories’ all-new software stack, I’m so excited to finally be able to talk about the technical details. Federico and John let me go wild here. 🤓
Building Calliope: A Technical Journey Through MacStories’ Big Software Project:”
“Have a look at the square harmony for the color #D6C3C5. View as:
🌈 CSS Gradient
🔧 CSS text shadow
🖌️ Color Bucket
#color #palette #CSS”
“i have a million dollar idea for a company. energy drink shaped like a grenade that you have to pull a pin out of to drink. it's called "Flashbang Grenada" and it's grenadine flavored”
“Talking to people in LA that actually work in the animation industry has given me a newfound appreciation towards cartoons as a medium.
I've realized I've mostly hated cartoons/animation cause in the past I was only around people who complained about them 24/7 lol.”