“Have a look at the square harmony for the color #D6C3C5. View as:
🌈 CSS Gradient https://t.co/lHutGxV6Jj
🔧 CSS text shadow https://t.co/aiyUeKBxKz
🖌️ Color Bucket https://t.co/ynaXjHd1o8
#color #palette #CSS”
“i have a million dollar idea for a company. energy drink shaped like a grenade that you have to pull a pin out of to drink. it's called "Flashbang Grenada" and it's grenadine flavored”
“Talking to people in LA that actually work in the animation industry has given me a newfound appreciation towards cartoons as a medium.
I've realized I've mostly hated cartoons/animation cause in the past I was only around people who complained about them 24/7 lol.”