“The first story in the Mac Experience column by @johnvoorhees is out:
John has been using a @loupedeck Live for the past few months. He set it up with all kinds of buttons to control macOS. I love how nerdy this is and I wish I used macOS to try it 👀
“Today’s first screencast is all about the custom RSS feeds you can set up using the new filtering system we’ve added for Club MacStories+ and Club Premier members.
To join: https://t.co/HIZhHbbN0C
“when I had braces (as an adult, humbling) I drank one PSL before a week-long conference that power washed my clear rubber bands halloween orange. I went to my orthodontist frantic to get them swapped. he laughed hysterically at me for a full minute. anyway I am drinking a PSL”
“music theory workbook giving absolutely no indication of when you should pull out of a melody half way through and play the bangarang sample
stop learning just ask the moon”