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How MEL is reinventing the modern men's magazine - Simon Owens's Media Newsletter
How MEL is reinventing the modern men's magazine - Simon Owens's Media Newsletter
Image via Pixabay Peruse a newsstand full of men’s magazines and you’ll probably notice a few common themes. The cover either features a bikini model or a suit-clad male celebrity. Inside, you’ll find stories meant to appeal to what many in the mid-20th century would have considered the “ideal” man -- articles about scotch, cigars, and custom suits.
How MEL is reinventing the modern men's magazine - Simon Owens's Media Newsletter
2020 was the year of the audio renaissance | What’s New in Publishing | Digital Publishing News
2020 was the year of the audio renaissance | What’s New in Publishing | Digital Publishing News
Huge investments, mergers and experiments prove that getting into audio content is a lucrative move for publishers – but 2021 could be the year the dream of the open podcast economy dies an ignominious death. Chris Sutcliffe rounds up the year as part of our Media Moments 2020 report. Many, many deals have stalled or been delayed […]
2020 was the year of the audio renaissance | What’s New in Publishing | Digital Publishing News
Revealing The Information 50
Revealing The Information 50
On this special subscriber video call, we will walked through our brand-new list of the 50 most promising early- and mid-stage private venture-backed startups. The companies, identified through months of detailed reporting, span fintech, robotics, video streaming, gaming, automation software and more. We walked through the reporting, including lots of previously unknown financial details, that informed our rankings and what we're paying attention to as we work on the next version of this list.
Revealing The Information 50
My favorite tools of 2020! - Tools for Reporters
My favorite tools of 2020! - Tools for Reporters
Well it’s that time again, reporters! Since the next TFR is scheduled to go out on Christmas week, and I’m not going to kid myself, we’ll go ahead and do a 2020 roundup of… It’s obviously been a tough year, and I chose a few tools that I hope will help make ours and others’ lives a little bit less stressful.
My favorite tools of 2020! - Tools for Reporters
After 70 years of print and billions of copies circulated worldwide, the catalog will now only live online.