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Apple Q3 2021 Results - $81.4 Billion Revenue - MacStories
Apple Q3 2021 Results - $81.4 Billion Revenue - MacStories
Apple has just published its financial results for Q3 2021. The company posted revenue of $81.4 billion. Apple CEO Tim Cook said: “This quarter, our teams built on a period of unmatched innovation by sharing powerful new products with our users, at a time when using technology to connect people everywhere has never been more important,” said
Apple Q3 2021 Results - $81.4 Billion Revenue - MacStories
“@MKBHD @TheStudio So happy to hear that!If you need any advice about how to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for the woman/women you bring in, @reckless is your guy. I’m always around too!”
“If you’re talking about icy roads then you’re talking about just adding weight and momentum to a situation where stopping isn’t happening easily. Consistently best-rated winter drivers are almost always AWD sedans.”
“Some people have brought up snow and ice conditions, which, fuckin’ lol. First off if you’re regularly driving in snow deep enough to justify a pick-up and you don’t have a plow attached to the front then you 1) work on a farm or for the Forest Service or 2) are a fucking moron”
“Your personal experience isn’t the same as sales figures and consumer surveys. If you think it’s great that a bunch of middle managers are out there buying four tons of steel with the acceleration of a 1990s Ferrari to pick up their kids from school, then whatever.”