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Trending Shortcuts is back on RoutineHub! Discover what's trending now
Trending Shortcuts is back on RoutineHub! Discover what's trending now
The Trending Shortcuts section has returned to RoutineHub! This provides the Apple user community with an excellent opportunity to once again discover and make use of the most popular and useful shortcuts. To celebrate a bit, today we'll include some of the wonderful shortcuts that are appearing this week in
Trending Shortcuts is back on RoutineHub! Discover what's trending now
Apple Podcasts Adds Shows From Apple Music and News, Plus a Selection of Third-Party, Subscription-Based Apps
Apple Podcasts Adds Shows From Apple Music and News, Plus a Selection of Third-Party, Subscription-Based Apps
Apple Podcasts significantly expanded its Apple Music and Apple News podcast channels late yesterday and introduced podcasts for subscribers to a variety of third-party apps. In all, Apple says there are over 60 new shows comprised of over 2,500 episodes. The Apple Music channel new features 42 shows, a significant increase from the handful that
Apple Podcasts Adds Shows From Apple Music and News, Plus a Selection of Third-Party, Subscription-Based Apps
It's 9/28 So Here Are 9.28 Fascinating Facts About The Porsche 928 - The Autopian
It's 9/28 So Here Are 9.28 Fascinating Facts About The Porsche 928 - The Autopian
It’s September 28 today, and if we ignore the fact that the root word for September is actually a word that means “seven” then we can comfortably accept that September is the ninth month, which means that, numerically, using the American month/day notation, today is 9/28! And 9/28 are the same numbers as 928, which […]
It's 9/28 So Here Are 9.28 Fascinating Facts About The Porsche 928 - The Autopian
Introducing MultiButton: Assign Two Shortcuts to the Same Action Button Press on iPhone 15 Pro
Introducing MultiButton: Assign Two Shortcuts to the Same Action Button Press on iPhone 15 Pro
I got my iPhone 15 Pro Max last week, and I’m loving the possibilities opened by the Action button combined with the Shortcuts app. But as I was playing around with different ideas for the Action button, I had a thought: Wouldn’t it be great if instead of just one shortcut, I could toggle between
Introducing MultiButton: Assign Two Shortcuts to the Same Action Button Press on iPhone 15 Pro
Crunch: Extract & Preview Resources of iOS Apps
Crunch: Extract & Preview Resources of iOS Apps
Those who design and develop for iOS know how useful it can be to take a peek inside an application’s resources and see how other developers and designers chose to structure an app. This can be done by locating an app’s .ipa file in the OS X Finder, select the “Show Package Contents” menu, and
Crunch: Extract & Preview Resources of iOS Apps