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JSON:API vs. core's REST module | JSON:API module | Drupal Wiki guide on
JSON:API vs. core's REST module | JSON:API module | Drupal Wiki guide on
TL;DR Choose REST if you have non-entity data you want to expose. In all other cases, choose JSON:API. Slightly more nuanced: Core's REST module allows for anything (any format, any logic, any HTTP method) and extreme configurability. Powerful but complex and hence relatively brittle. JSON:API focuses on exposing Drupal's biggest strength (entities/data modeling) in a coherent manner. Simple yet sufficiently powerful for most use cases. Feature matrix High-level feature-based comparison between JSON:API and REST.
JSON:API vs. core's REST module | JSON:API module | Drupal Wiki guide on
Run iOS 4 on a Modern iPhone with OldOS
Run iOS 4 on a Modern iPhone with OldOS
Do you long for the days of the skeuomorphic designs and tactile beauty of iOS 4? Do you wish you could run iOS 4 on your shiny new iPhone 12 Pro? Of course you do! If you’re feeling that iOS…
Run iOS 4 on a Modern iPhone with OldOS
8 Tips & Features for iPadOS 16.1 You’ll Appreciate
8 Tips & Features for iPadOS 16.1 You’ll Appreciate
iPadOS 16 brings some major new features like an all new multitasking option to the iPad, but there are also various smaller more subtle features, changes, and additions that are particularly nice …
8 Tips & Features for iPadOS 16.1 You’ll Appreciate
You’re Invited (RSVPs Now Closed) - Celebrate the Launch of the Worn & Wound 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Seiko 5 Sports - Worn & Wound
You’re Invited (RSVPs Now Closed) - Celebrate the Launch of the Worn & Wound 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Seiko 5 Sports - Worn & Wound
We started Worn & Wound 10 years ago with little to no idea what it would eventually become. We just wanted to talk about cool watches with fellow, like-minded enthusiasts. Fast forward a decade and Worn & Wound’s community has grown to include passionate collectors from throughout the globe. One brand that unifies so many […]
You’re Invited (RSVPs Now Closed) - Celebrate the Launch of the Worn & Wound 10th Anniversary Limited Edition Seiko 5 Sports - Worn & Wound
Templates - NotePlan Knowledge Base
Templates - NotePlan Knowledge Base
If you are using the same structure in your notes or need some automation to fill certain information you can use templates to do most of the work for you, so y
Templates - NotePlan Knowledge Base
Using PowerShell Markdown Cmdlets :: —
Using PowerShell Markdown Cmdlets :: —
The vast majority of the technical documentation written today is written in Markdown. From Jane’s dev blog to Microsoft’s PowerShell documentation, markdown is behind it. Markdown is a light weight markup language with plain-text-formatting syntax. Markup languages were designed to be easy to write using a generic text editor and easy to read in its raw from without rendering. Markdown’s success is largely in part because it does this very well.
Using PowerShell Markdown Cmdlets :: —