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Congratulations, You’ve Been Platformed 📫
Congratulations, You’ve Been Platformed 📫
It’s strange to think that I knew what Substack was as soon as it was put in front of me. But I did—it was an attempt to wrap email in a platform, with promising initial promises, but the goal of strengthening Substack itself.Sure, there were a lot of things about Substack that looked good at the outset—the fact that they effectively gave the platform away for free was a vast improvement over the model of charging money after you reached a certain subscriber size—but every new publisher that jo…
Congratulations, You’ve Been Platformed 📫
Logger Is the Missing Console for Shortcuts Power Users
Logger Is the Missing Console for Shortcuts Power Users
Indie developer Alex Hay has long pushed the boundaries of what third-party developers can build with the SiriKit framework and Shortcuts integrations on Apple platforms. In late 2019, his Toolbox Pro app redefined what it means to complement Apple’s Shortcuts app with additional actions, creating an entirely new sub-genre of headless utilities designed to provide
Logger Is the Missing Console for Shortcuts Power Users