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الكسندرا ميراي on Twitter
الكسندرا ميراي on Twitter
You can tell white people don't pay attention to anything we say, because they're all joyfully celebrating the crypto crash, despite the fact that we are on here every day screaming that there are places in the world where people only eat because they have some Bitcoin
الكسندرا ميراي on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫 冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫     冫冫 冫冫 冫冫 冫冫冫     冫冫 冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫 冫  冫冫 冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫冫 冫冫冫冫 冫冫冫冫  冫冫冫
unicode_garden on Twitter
Damon Hill on Twitter
Damon Hill on Twitter
Some examples of the real estate just outside of turn 4 @Interlagos. Life goes on and in Brazil the disparity is always in plain sight. However, in the 29 years I've been coming here, I've noticed a slight improvement. So that's progress I guess #f1
Damon Hill on Twitter
Maria Bustillos on Twitter
Maria Bustillos on Twitter
We donate every year. @wikipedia and @internetarchive are lights leading forward from the internet's original promise--free exchange of information, free global participation
Maria Bustillos on Twitter
Maria Bustillos on Twitter
Maria Bustillos on Twitter
When I thanked @readywriting for this humane and searing work she said, "I’m hoping that this piece will help someone feel less alone." I think it will make everyone who reads it feel less alone.
Maria Bustillos on Twitter