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Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Voting is now open for the MacStories Selects 2022 Readers' Choice award 🏆 @ClubMacStories members: link to submit your vote is in today's issue of MacStories Weekly
Federico Viticci on Twitter
FiniteGarden on Twitter
FiniteGarden on Twitter
My friend lived in a house behind a gas station, and every day in the winter I would go over and hang out. As time went on bad things happened inside that house, bad things happened to me. I stopped going over there after a while.
FiniteGarden on Twitter
Matt Birchler on Twitter
Matt Birchler on Twitter
Looking through some of my oldest photos I posted here and this one is wild. Landscape Facebook in the dock Beats Music, which I stand by being underrated at the time
Matt Birchler on Twitter
samantha on Twitter
samantha on Twitter
i don’t have any insight into the things i think i have a fondness for. i don’t have any degree of expertise on any subject. i am moving my hand along the surface just to feel the texture. i am taking my time.
samantha on Twitter :CCC on Twitter :CCC on Twitter
setting up a sign up list to build a database of everyone who wants to be on it, basically a way that everyone can reach each other outside of this place. take this link and share it as far and wide as you want. lmk if u wanna help build.
·· :CCC on Twitter
Matt Pearce 🦅 on Twitter
Matt Pearce 🦅 on Twitter
Okay, Twitter is still online. But now you have to print out your five best tweets over the last six months and explain to Elon why they’re funny before 2 p.m. or you get kicked off the site.
Matt Pearce 🦅 on Twitter
nilay patel on Twitter
nilay patel on Twitter
Lil update to the redesign: we scooted the "must reads" top 5 stories breaker into the hero and renamed it "top stories", the storystream now starts below. Big ideas for how we can play with this on mobile
nilay patel on Twitter