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HaggardHawks | Tue Nov 08 12:36:21 +0000 2022
HaggardHawks | Tue Nov 08 12:36:21 +0000 2022
A BIBLIOPOLIST is a bookseller. A MYROPOLIST is a perfume seller. An OPOROPOLIST is a fruit seller. A LACHANOPOLIST is a vegetable seller. A TRAGEMATOPOLIST is a sweet seller. A XYLOPOLIST is a wood seller. A PAPYROPOLIST is a paper seller. A THERMOPOLIST is a seller of hot food.
HaggardHawks | Tue Nov 08 12:36:21 +0000 2022
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
As far as I can tell, Stage Manager is essentially unchanged in iPadOS 16.2 beta 2. External display support same as beta 1; no additions to Shortcuts, no new keyboard shortcuts, no other changes.
Federico Viticci on Twitter
HaggardHawks | Tue Nov 08 11:53:20 +0000 2022
HaggardHawks | Tue Nov 08 11:53:20 +0000 2022
The silent P in RECEIPT is not original in English, but was added retrospectively in the 15–1600s to better align the word with its Latin root, ‘recipere’. For a time, the related words CONCEIT and DECEIT gained a P too (making ‘conceipt’ and ‘deceipt’), but only RECEIPT kept it.
HaggardHawks | Tue Nov 08 11:53:20 +0000 2022
crustelf | Tue Nov 08 04:59:06 +0000 2022
crustelf | Tue Nov 08 04:59:06 +0000 2022
guy prank called like 10 times in a row screaming that he got pinkeye from a girl last time he was here and that everyone that works in strip clubs are sluts and i missed my opportunity to say “sounds like you still gave em your money tho”
crustelf | Tue Nov 08 04:59:06 +0000 2022
𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖋 ☭ on Twitter
𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖋 ☭ on Twitter
guy prank called like 10 times in a row screaming that he got pinkeye from a girl last time he was here and that everyone that works in strip clubs are sluts and i missed my opportunity to say “sounds like you still gave em your money tho”
𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖗 𝖊𝖑𝖋 ☭ on Twitter