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rosemarie on Twitter
rosemarie on Twitter
personally i think it is really funny that a leveraged buyout is going to doom this site to oblivion instead of like anti-sex work legislation. will be interesting to see where and how writers can hawk their personas in an attempt to get ppl to read their work now
rosemarie on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
Jason Scott on Twitter
Whisper just transcribed the output of a digitized VHS cleaning tape. Many people, seen and unseen, contributed to bring humanity to this level of accomplishment. A toast to you all
Jason Scott on Twitter
Matt Baer on Twitter
Matt Baer on Twitter
I also have a few accounts you can follow in the #fediverse: - Mastodon: - microblog: - newsletter/blog:
Matt Baer on Twitter
JP on Twitter
JP on Twitter
I genuinely believe society would radically deprogram if we got everyone to understand this. Wealth has replaced Divine Right as the thing that convinces people some bozo is fit to hold obscene power, with "intelligence" the primary explanation for why someone is rich.
JP on Twitter