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LeVar Burzum on Twitter
LeVar Burzum on Twitter
long-haired swede: you see, in my defense, at the time, i was extremely racist. questions? yes, you there. intrepid reporter: Sir, Hardcore Pelvis, metalinjection .com. Are you still racist? long-haired swede: *almost deepthroating the mic* no comment
LeVar Burzum on Twitter
jab @ TooManyGames on Twitter
jab @ TooManyGames on Twitter
Alright I think that's about it. Really interesting that none of these christorians ever contacted me to interview/get more info. I think my thread at the time made people think I wanted no part of the incident at all when in reality I just didn't wanna be bothered that weekend
jab @ TooManyGames on Twitter
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on Twitter
i just got a massage for the first time in my life and it feels like there was a massive clip holding all my muscles and skin on my back and it was finally unclipped
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unicode_garden on Twitter
unicode_garden on Twitter
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