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Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
@NeoYokel It's funny because, up until that point, you're lead to believe that this was a really high class restaurant that's being reviewed, when in reality it's more like a McDonald's.
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
@NeoYokel Yeah, I feel the same way. There's this video series on YouTube where real actors "perform" Yelp reviews, and I think it's really smart 'cause it puts a humorous twist on what would otherwise be an overly negative review.
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
@NeoYokel Though #I #really #dont #want #all #of #my #posts #to #look #like #this #which #makes #my #posts #easier #to #find #but #looks #bad. #I #wonder #if #theres #a #hashtag #limit.
Lucy Foley on Twitter
samantha on Twitter
samantha on Twitter
in a year everyone will do gnomecore and then ill switch to brownies and convince people the trendy new key to an authentic life is to do your chores when your friends are asleep
samantha on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
@NeoYokel And, when I follow people, it's really important to me that I see their videos "as they come out," not when the platform decides to show them to me. I think that's because it's more interesting to me if I get to see when a video was posted (as it was posted).
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
@NeoYokel When I was using YouTube a lot, I would see people asking if their videos were even showing up in my home feed (worried that YouTube's algorithm "dropped" their video).
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
Lucy Foley on Twitter
@NeoYokel Is the follower limit exactly 1,688? That's surprisingly low! One time, on YouTube, I spent an hour subscribing to people, and I eventually hit the cap for the amount of people you could subscribe to in a certain amount of time.
Lucy Foley on Twitter