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mg on Twitter
mg on Twitter
There’s no point in making fun of someone for being a nazi, make fun of them for being so mediocre they need something as trivial as skin color or man made constructs to feel any type of worth
mg on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Federico Viticci on Twitter
🚨 Contest Update 🚨 We are adding a new Best Everyday Shortcut category to the @AutomationApril Shortcuts Contest: We want to properly recognize the simpler, more approachable utilities built with Shortcuts. Submit yours:
Federico Viticci on Twitter
Celeste Albritton on Twitter
Celeste Albritton on Twitter
@NeoYokel PS im imagining that in my head at s point? I have a Traumatic Brain Injury so. I’m imagining myself saying that. To no audience because I currently have no guests. Heh >.< and I was like. What are you doing in Kyle, TX. Lol then I was like. Oh that’s me;p 🥳😎
Celeste Albritton on Twitter
Adam Wathan on Twitter
Adam Wathan on Twitter
Excited to see @reflectnotes publicly launch today! I've been using it for about 6 months and it's incredible how automatically organized the information in my life has become, without doing any of the work I normally associate with staying organized.
Adam Wathan on Twitter