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GitHub - reelyactive/ble-android-sdk: SDK for Android devices to interact with reelyActive reelceivers via Bluetooth Smart (BLE). We believe in an open Internet of Things.
GitHub - reelyactive/ble-android-sdk: SDK for Android devices to interact with reelyActive reelceivers via Bluetooth Smart (BLE). We believe in an open Internet of Things.
SDK for Android devices to interact with reelyActive reelceivers via Bluetooth Smart (BLE). We believe in an open Internet of Things. - GitHub - reelyactive/ble-android-sdk: SDK for Android device...
GitHub - reelyactive/ble-android-sdk: SDK for Android devices to interact with reelyActive reelceivers via Bluetooth Smart (BLE). We believe in an open Internet of Things.
GitHub - alt236/Bluetooth-LE-Library---Android: This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's AdRecord and RSSI value. It offers additional functionality for iBeacons.
GitHub - alt236/Bluetooth-LE-Library---Android: This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's AdRecord and RSSI value. It offers additional functionality for iBeacons.
This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's AdRecord and RSSI value. It offers additional functionality for iBeacons. - GitHub - alt236/Bluetooth-LE-Library---Android: Th...
GitHub - alt236/Bluetooth-LE-Library---Android: This library allows for easy access to a Bluetooth LE device's AdRecord and RSSI value. It offers additional functionality for iBeacons.
DevBytes: Bluetooth Low Energy API in Android 4.3
DevBytes: Bluetooth Low Energy API in Android 4.3
With Android 4.3 comes the Bluetooth Low Energy API. In this DevBytes Fred Chung gives a brief overview of the technology, and how Android supports it at the platform level. #bluetooth #connectivity
DevBytes: Bluetooth Low Energy API in Android 4.3
Android 5.0 APIs | Android Developers
Android 5.0 APIs | Android Developers
API Level: targetSdkVersion to "minSdkVersion . To learn more about maintaining backward compatibility, read Supporting Different Platform Versions . For more information about how API levels work, read What is API Level? If you have previously published…
Android 5.0 APIs | Android Developers
GitHub - dburr/linux-ibeacon: Python script that creates an iBeacon-compatible Bluetooth LE beacon using Linux and a Bluetooth LE adapter
GitHub - dburr/linux-ibeacon: Python script that creates an iBeacon-compatible Bluetooth LE beacon using Linux and a Bluetooth LE adapter
Python script that creates an iBeacon-compatible Bluetooth LE beacon using Linux and a Bluetooth LE adapter - GitHub - dburr/linux-ibeacon: Python script that creates an iBeacon-compatible Bluetoot...
GitHub - dburr/linux-ibeacon: Python script that creates an iBeacon-compatible Bluetooth LE beacon using Linux and a Bluetooth LE adapter
‎Locate Beacon
‎Locate Beacon
‎Makes your device transmit as a Proximity Beacon with iBeacon™ Technology and configurable identifiers. Finds nearby beacons with Eddystone, iBeacon and AltBeacon formats with real-time distance estimates and displays all identifiers of each one discovered. Provides alerts when beacons are around…
‎Locate Beacon
Use Core Bluetooth instead of iBeacon - Any Downsides?
Use Core Bluetooth instead of iBeacon - Any Downsides?
I am working on a project where I first wanted to advertise a device as an iBeacon and make it possible to connect to that device via Core Bluetooth at the same time. Besides the fact that this is ...
Use Core Bluetooth instead of iBeacon - Any Downsides?