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Software History
Infinite Mac
A classic Mac loaded with everything you'd want.
Safari 5.1.7 (Windows) : Apple : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
This is the Windows installer for version 5.1.7 of the Safari web browser, the last version released for Windows.
Byte Magazine Volume 09 Number 02 - Benchmarks : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
80 handy OS X Lion tips and tricks
Fun and useful things you can do in OS X Lion
Mac 30th Anniversary Icons
Mac 30th Anniversary Icons in SVG format
Visit the Panic Library for instant answers about Panic apps.
Mac 411
Mactracker knows all.
According to Chris Hynes, it turns out Stage Manager is a rehash of a project he worked on in 2006 called “shrinkydink”. [On his blog, Tech Reflect][tr], he described shrinkydink asR…
homebrew-core/gnu-cobol.rb at b99460b09d3a7c7601df24d9fd5d7166d31e9616 · Homebrew/homebrew-core
🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux) - homebrew-core/gnu-cobol.rb at b99460b09d3a7c7601df24d9fd5d7166d31e9616 · Homebrew/homebrew-core
‘message:’ URLs in Leopard Mail
The new version of Mail in Leopard introduces a ‘message:’ URL pseudo-protocol that allows you to refer to individual messages in Mail from other applications.
10 6 snow leopard system preferences time machine
10 6 snow leopard system preferences universal access
10 6 snow leopard system preferences speech
10 6 snow leopard system preferences startup disk
10 6 snow leopard system preferences date and time
10 6 snow leopard system preferences parental controls
10 6 snow leopard system preferences software update
10 6 snow leopard system preferences accounts
10 6 snow leopard system preferences sharing
10 6 snow leopard system preferences bluetooth
10 6 snow leopard system preferences mobile me
10 6 snow leopard system preferences network
10 6 snow leopard system preferences print and fax
10 6 snow leopard system preferences sound
10 6 snow leopard system preferences trackpad
10 6 snow leopard system preferences keyboard
10 6 snow leopard system preferences mouse
10 6 snow leopard system preferences c ds and dv ds
10 6 snow leopard system preferences displays