Software History

Software History

"#Software History ⁕⁕⁕⁕" #podcast
Word for scientific publishing | Microsoft Conversations
Word for scientific publishing | Microsoft Conversations
Pablo Fernicola is a group manager at Microsoft. He runs a project focused on delivering tools and services for scientific and technical publishing, with a particular interest on the transition from print to electronic and web based content, and its implications for collaboration, search, and content discovery in the future. In this interview, Pablo explains how a new add-in for Word, now available as a technical preview, helps authors and publishers of scientific articles work more effectively with one another, and with online archives like PubMed Central.
Word for scientific publishing | Microsoft Conversations
Chris Wilson | Microsoft Conversations
Chris Wilson | Microsoft Conversations
Hi, this is Jon Udell. In this first installment of my new Microsoft Conversations series I got together with Chris Wilson. He's been involved with Internet Explorer and with web standards for over a decade. We talked about the history and evolution of IE, about Ajax, about ways of extending the browser -- ranging from bookmarklets to Firefox extensions to plug-ins -- and about the W3C's invitation to Chris to chair its new HTML working group.
Chris Wilson | Microsoft Conversations
A talk with Marty Collins about blogs, architectural guidance, and technical marketing | Microsoft Conversations.mp3
A talk with Marty Collins about blogs, architectural guidance, and technical marketing | Microsoft Conversations.mp3
Marty Collins is senior marketing manager with the solution architecture group responsible for and She wanted to interview me about the relationship between blogs and technical marketing, and I wanted to hear her thoughts on the same subject, so we wound up interviewing each other. She was interested to hear my take on how professionals -- not only in the field of software, but also much more broadly -- can and should use blogs to communicate their public agendas. I was fascinated to hear from her about an upcoming marketing initiative to monitor blog discussions and address questions and concerns by injecting responses directly into blog comments. It's a radical but, I think, clueful strategy for 21st-century marketers.
A talk with Marty Collins about blogs, architectural guidance, and technical marketing | Microsoft Conversations.mp3