The ActivityPub protocol is a decentralized social networking protocol
based upon the [ActivityStreams] 2.0 data format.
It provides a client to server API for creating, updating and deleting
content, as well as a federated server to server API for delivering
notifications and content.
Technical innovations shape only a small part of computer and network culture. It doesn't matter much who invented the microprocessor, the mouse, TCP/IP or the World Wide Web; nor does it matter what ideas were behind these inventions. What matters is who uses them. Only when users start to express themselves with these technical innovations do they truly become relevant to culture at large.
Users' endeavors, like glittering star backgrounds, photos of cute kittens and rainbow gradients, are mostly derided as kitsch or in the most extreme cases, postulated as the end of culture itself. In fact this evolving vernacular, created by users for users, is the most important, beautiful and misunderstood language of new media.
As the first book of its kind, this reader contains essays and projects investigating many different facets of Digital Folklore: online amateur culture, DIY electronics, dirtstyle, typo-nihilism, memes, teapots, penis enlargement …
Web Design | History of Web Design | Weird Websites
In the late ‘90s, an obscure site called Superbad pioneered jarringly bizarre, often ugly, but occasionally beautiful web design. It’s taken all this time for the rest of the internet to catch up.
Opening keynote for dLRN 2015. Delivered October 16th @ Stanford. Actual keynote may have gone on significant tangents… 1 | a year in the garden A week or so ago, I was reading about the Oreg…